Who needs you today? Who needs your warmth, your laughter, your listening ear? Your understanding and lack of judgement?
I have always loved and appreciated the fact that as humans, we are all different. Isn’t it amazing to think that of the 100 + billion people who have ever lived on earth, not one of them was exactly like you??

YOU are unique in your personality and life circumstances, and that means you are uniquely suited to help certain people. I believe that God puts people in our path…people we need, and people who need US.
So the question is, “Who needs YOU today?” Is it a child (your own or someone else’s), a friend, a sibling, your spouse, a neighbor, a parent, a stranger?
Every morning I start my day with a prayer, and a few years ago I started asking God to lead me to someone I could help that day.

Some days I forget, and I am sure that some days I either ignore or don’t recognize the prompting, but I have been blessed by connections and opportunities that have come from those simple prayers.
More often than not, I feel those prayers have been answered by a prompting to serve within the walls of my own home. To slow down and be present with my children or give a simple word of advice or encouragement. Sometimes, it is the quiet reminder to be patient and choose love over anger.
I think as women, we sometimes struggle to see the good in ourselves, and therefore falsely believe we don’t have much to give. If you are feeling that way, please KNOW that YOU have so much to give. There is someone who needs you and the unique gifts you have to offer.
You are beautiful, unique, and have gifts to give that no one else can give. Please know that you are enough and that no matter where you’re at in life, you can serve in simple ways.
If you are feeling overwhelmed and drained from what you are already giving, know that THAT is enough. Know that serving and loving others is a simple thing that often requires little to no time, and you are serving in ways you probably don’t even recognize.
Let’s all be a little more intentional in the ways we show love. Let’s look for ways to build each other up, cheer each other on, and just be there when someone needs a friend.
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